Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Running for Distance

Apparently, running and chaffing go together like tequila and hangovers or flight attendants and polyester - always think this time will be different, but it never is....

I've made the acquaintance of Body Glide. In fact, we're on intimate terms - it's definitely been between my legs more frequently in the last six months than anything else has. The trouble with Body Glide is that you have to guess where to apply it like some sado-masochistic game pin the tail on the donkey. Sure, there are the obvious spots (I believe I just mentioned the most obvious one since my thighs stubbornly insist on rubbing together); also under the bra strap (learned that one the hard way) and my arm pits where the seams of my shirt tends to dig in a bit. Well, this week I discovered a new place to chafe and I have the welts on my back to prove it. I bought a pair or running capris last week to replace the other new pair I had to return after running for exactly two blocks in them and discovering that the crotch preferred to reside somewhere near my knees instead of where it belonged -- you know, at my crotch. They were made of some kind of magical fabric invented by frat boys that literally pulled off of my body with the slightest friction. An interesting reason to abort a run; I'm adding it to my list of logical excuses for when my bed is just too warm and the morning just too early.

Anyway, last Sunday was my 30K benchmark. That's 18.6 miles for you non-runners (and/or non-Canadians). I have a nifty hydration system that once I figured out how it worked, has stood me reasonably well. On Sunday however, it failed me - or rather I failed to fill it correctly, I'm not exactly sure. The end result was that around mile 15 or so I realized that I was literally soaked in Glucose (fancy sport beverage). I'm not sure if it actually leaked or if I simply filled the backpack portion up with liquid electrolytes instead of the pouch itself at the last water stop. The fancy tech fibers I was wearing did their best but when confronted with liquid from both sides but they were no match from the duel assault. It made for an interesting wet mark - sort of like I stood on my head and wet my pants. Awesome :l I had to forewarn the delightful massage therapist who worked on me after the run. That was an interesting conversation, "So, if you have to actually touch my thigh here where I'm tight, you're hands might get sticky."

I'll have to try running in those tights again to see if it was actually the waistband itself that was the issue or if it was the soaking it in liquid portion of the fun that caused the issue. This would be good information to have before I decide what to wear for the marathon in October. Either way, I'm adding yet another part of my anatomy to the list of Body Glide destinations.

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